
Saturday, June 9, 2012


Writing a novel can feel stressful. I've been working through my characters to get them developed and outlining my plot. It's so easy to stress about the details. I've been doing a lot of reading from other authors and how they write and I feel like I am destined to be a bit of a free form writer. I think I am meant to get my basic plot down on paper, write, and then truly expand things in the editing. 

My biggest concern presently, is that I am having trouble pinning down my climax. I know where I want my story to go, but getting it there is another story. I stare at my notebook, willing the magic to happen, and I think that is what is stressing me out.

So not one to waste time, I started developing characters for an additional book. These types of things always happen to me when I am working on a story of any kind. I start working on one, get stuck, and suddenly another story is more appealing. I don't see it as a bad thing though. Maybe the original plot doesn't want to be my novel and this one does instead. I don't see a problem with working on both and seeing where they go. What is the worst that could happen? I could have two novels by the time I am done? Oh the horror! 

I've been trying to work with the snowflake method that I have been reading about. I have never used it before and looking at it now I'm not so certain its meant for me anyway. It's open and restricting all at the same time. To be perfectly honest, the fact that I feel that way about it scares me. I've never known myself to be a flip-flop writer, hoping around in my plot, but not being able to keep to some kind of system makes me worry that maybe I am a bit of a flip-flop writer. Just adds more stress there. 

I know I need to just relax and let the story happen. Stressing over things won't do me any good.


Mrs. Jones said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I understand what you mean. It can be so frustrating trying to figure out how to start or where to start... I don't know what thr snowflake method is, but just write what you feel like writing and eventually everything will come together!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yeah, I figure I will start writing a few scenes and go from there. If I get the story started then it might flow easier.

This explains the snowflake method
The guy sells a program too. Basically you use the program and its organizes things into the snowflake for you to make it easier. Its nice, but I don't know that I really need writing software to make a novel happen.

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